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What is a Diploma Mill?

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A diploma mill is a school that claims to grant an American degree, but has no legal authority to do so. The school might use a Pacific Ocean IP address and a physical location in another country. It's difficult for the school to be sued because they lack a clear jurisdiction. Consumer-1, in one instance, was looking for an online high school diploma program. She came across Belford's website and assumed it was legitimate.

High-pressure sales tactics

Diploma mills can be unaccredited schools which claim to offer academic degrees but in reality offer less than you paid for. They are often not required to do a lot of work, or provide evidence of competency. Additionally, they charge a flat fee for the "degree" and not per-credit billing. To convince you to sign up for their program, they use high-pressure selling tactics.

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Short length of study

Diploma mills allow students to earn degrees quickly. They require students to complete short exams and write brief papers. Diploma mills award degrees to students regardless of their grades.

Rapid turnaround to issue a degree

Although they may look easy, diploma mill schools are not accredited by national or regional agencies. Instead, they often issue degrees without any academic work. Students are awarded credit for work experience and life experiences gained prior to enrolling. Applicants should be cautious if a diploma is issued without any academic work or career experience.

Unaccredited status

Students and employers should be concerned about the unaccredited status diploma mill schools. These institutions lack the standards and oversight that other accredited schools enjoy. They may use names that sound legitimate, such as Harvard University, Yale University, or Standford University. They may be highly selective and have a reputation, like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Although these schools are not accredited, they are still highly unlikely to receive any employers' acceptance of their degrees.

Similarity to accredited school

While diploma mills often use the same names of accredited schools as they do with diploma mills, they are vastly different. Diploma mills are charged a flat fee regardless of how many credits they earn. Accredited schools charge per credit. In addition, diploma mills often use foreign addresses to avoid U.S. laws and are not accredited by the USDE.

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There is no regulation for diploma mills

These black-market business models are facilitated by globalization, digital technologies and huge diploma mills. They reduce brand equity and market share, devalue legitimate qualifications, as well as devalue and undervalue legitimate qualifications. They also threaten consumer protections and undermine the integrity of higher educational institutions. It is important to stop the growth of diploma mills.

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Is eLearning really effective?

E-learning allows learners to access learning content anytime, anywhere. E-learning gives learners instant access to relevant information, wherever they are located.

E-learning makes it possible to deliver training programs anywhere you are without having the space or cost of travel.

Where is elearning used?

It is a way for people who are unable or unwilling to go to classes face-to-face to learn at their own pace. You can also teach someone how to use it.

E-Learning is a popular option for businesses as it can be used in training programs.

E-Learning is gaining popularity in schools because it helps to save money and time.

What systems are used to teach e-learning courses?

E-learning, or online learning, is a method where students learn using a computer screen. It allows interactive activities like discussions, quizzes, and tests.

E-learning can also include web-based programs that allow users to access information via the internet from a computer. This program is often referred to simply as "online educational."

What are some e-learning tools?

Interactive media like animation, audio and video are the most effective ways to communicate learning content.

These media allow learners to interact directly with the content. They can also be used to increase learner engagement.

Online courses are often delivered via websites that contain text, graphics, video, sound, and interactive features.

These courses may be free or paid for.

Some examples include:

  • Online courses
  • Virtual classrooms
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Video tutorials
  • Self-paced, e-learning modules
  • Interactive games
  • Social networking sites (SNS).
  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • Discussion forums
  • Chat rooms
  • Email lists
  • Forums
  • Quizzes
  • Polls
  • Questionnaires

What is the Internet connection required for eLearning.

It depends on your purpose. You don't need an internet connection if you are taking an online course. Access to the internet is required if you plan to use interactive features like quizzes, etc.


  • E-learning is intended to enhance individual-level performance, and therefore intend to use of e-learning should be predicted by a learner's preference for self-enhancement (Veiga, Floyd, & Dechant, 2001). (sciencedirect.com)
  • India's PC market clocks 9.2% growth to 3.4 million units in the September quarter (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • However, e-learning courses that are engaging, well-designed, and interesting are likely to be perceived as useful by e-learners (Roca & Gagné, 2008). (sciencedirect.com)
  • The UK sample was relatively balanced in terms of gender (56% male) compared to the Gambian group (77% male). (sciencedirect.com)

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How To

How can elearning be used to enhance traditional education?

E-learning has been around since the 1980s and is still evolving. There are so many types that e-learning is possible, it would be impossible for me to list them all. I'll only mention the most well-known ones.

  1. You can also use E-learning to enhance traditional learning. A teacher might use an interactive whiteboard as a demonstration tool and record her voice using audio technology to explain the concept. To reinforce the lesson, students could listen to the audio file in class.
  2. E-learning can be used to replace traditional learning. A student could log in to a website to view a tutorial about a topic. He/she could watch the video instructions and finish the exercise at their own pace.
  3. E-learning can complement traditional learning. A student might log on to a website to view a large collection of information. The student could look through the content and pick which sections they want to read.
  4. E-learning can enhance the learning environment. A tutor might give feedback via email on student work. A student can also ask questions to other students through instant messaging.
  5. E-learning can enable distance education. An example: A university lecturer could present lectures via the internet for hundreds of students across the globe.
  6. E-learning can also be used to support corporate training. For employees who need to be updated about new products or service, companies often offer webinars.
  7. E-learning can enhance academic performance. Students enrolled in MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) can participate in discussions, upload their content, or earn badges for completing tasks.
  8. E-learning is a great way to improve your communication skills. An example: A student could send an assignment by email to another student.
  9. E-learning is a way to develop critical thinking skills. To share their opinions on a topic, students can create blogs or podcasts.
  10. E-learning is a great tool for problem solving. For example, a group of students might collaborate on a project via Google Docs.
  11. Collaboration between individuals can be possible through E-learning. E-learning can allow students to meet up in person and discuss a problem. But, if one of them was studying at home they could communicate with each other via Skype.
  12. E-learning allows for self-directed learning. Students can create their own goals and deadlines to complete a course.
  13. E-learning can encourage creativity. Students might upload videos showing them performing art projects.
  14. E-learning may foster independence. For example, a child might play educational games independently without parental supervision.
  15. E-learning can promote lifelong learning. Older people, for example, can still learn new things if they have internet access.


What is a Diploma Mill?